Our Story
The Origin of Molis Coaching
In a backyard surrounded by a community of good friends...
That’s where Molis Coaching got its start.
Longtime friends Ryan and Scott were chatting about life and work, as friends do.
Ryan’s energy was palpable as he shared his excitement about the latest Align conference where he was recognized for his success. He also shared the enthusiasm he and his team have for the low stress, high-energy, and lucrative nature of an Invisalign-inclusive practice.

Scott asked Ryan “Why not open source your story, skills, and success to the community of other Invisalign providers through an online platform?” As a participant in several of the increasingly popular online education-focused membership communities, Scott saw the potential.
A conversation ensued during which Ryan shared that Align had been asking him for years to engage in their peer education efforts. He had always declined. It just made more sense to spend that time working.
And while he would regularly attend Align events and socialize with its most senior leaders, he had also declined even their requests to visit his practice to see it in action.
They wanted to gain insight into how he uniquely achieved exponential growth year after year – to the point that he was completing 500, 600, and then 700+ cases per year. But remaining focused on continually refining his own practice and skillset remained Ryan’s priority.
On another day, in another backyard, Ryan and Scott’s conversation picked up where it had left off a year before. Ryan shared that he recently agreed to serve as a consultant to Align, participating in weekly group calls to provide feedback and insight from the perspective of a general dentist with nearly 5,000 lifetime cases.
After sharing his feeling that he could add more value if he could share his experience with other dentists directly, the conversation from a year before restarted and Molis Coaching was born.
Within hours, a website was built, a curriculum was taking shape, key offerings were developed, and emails with senior leaders at Align were being exchanged to determine if they thought the idea even had legs.
It did.
Today, Molis Coaching exists to help Invisalign providers set clear goals for their Invisalign-focused practice and then quickly achieve them.
Ryan guides dentists through time-tested methods, simplified practices, and refined tools to produce exponential growth in Invisalign caseload, patient outcomes, and revenue generation.
Coursework is based on Ryan’s unparalleled two-decade career as a general dentist with a seamless Invisalign focus.
He has invested his time in clinical trial and error, countless conferences costing thousands of dollars, and marketing methods that have been refined repeatedly for maximum success. He has turned it all into a comprehensive but concise, impactful, and on-demand learning curriculum.
What has taken Ryan 20 years to learn and develop is now available, on demand.
And while completely independent from Align, Molis Coaching collaborates exclusively and directly with Align to ensure it is offering members the latest and greatest education consistent with innovation and technology offered by Align.
Molis Coaching is thoughtfully designed to meet you where you are, on your terms, in your practice. It is the best advice, guidance, and tools, developed diligently by a colleague who has seen it all and is eager to help you achieve your practice goals.
A community of good friends—that’s where it all started. And that’s where we look forward to seeing you, as a welcomed member of the Molis Coaching community!